

A new dawn, a new day, new world. It’s been a while but it has come along.

What? A NEW POEM! Oh, also the historic SCOTUS judgement about same sex marriages. Yes, good things are happening this week. Along with some bad things, but as of now, I shall celebrate the good. The bad has a longer graph to fill, let me gauge upon it later.


I dream of echoes on silent streets
With flashes of reds and greens
Blinking for me, for my eyes have stopped
Short, and my breath has blanked out;
My brain has not mapped what road I’m on
and I’m trapped in this place on my own.
Save me the trouble,
Route me out,
This rout is turning me about, around myself
A riot within,
The place seems distant from the dream,
The place which sells souls, boxes for houses
And souls who pay with dreams, for better nightmares.
I want no purchased omen
I want to live free,
Feel, something soothing smooth,
But my plight,
That I have been
Blighted by a fiery knife.
It’s burning me, this life.
I want to dream, of reams
Of paper boats that float
While dancing rivers sway to and forth,
And I with the courage to course this
Coarse course, turn to the bright side.
Riding the edge of this tide,
Watch the sun set at twilight.

An Elegy on the death of My Beard


To them who cannot afford a smile
thank you for gathering in here
as of today, it has been a while,
parting ways with a friend so dear
Them gods were kind enough,
Or perhaps twas a scientific miracle
My face, Like a diamond in the rough
Thanked such a prophecy from the Oracle.
Long had I yearned for it,
and to grow it was not the only aim
But to rear the soft sheer dammit!
Unperturbed, devoid of any maim
Slowly, steadily it grew on me
As I let it grow;
From specked, stubbled to thick and bushy,
as if nothing could stop its flow.
But, ill-timed fate it was,
Or the gods had grown jealous,
Though mostly my mother was the cause,
Couldn’t shave myself off it, as tragedy befell us.
It was one Tuesday strange,
Teary eyed, buckets I cried
Raised the blade, forced the change;
Flushed the remains that had survived.
There was a ghoul in the mirror,
My face now lacked a soul,
A horror story that made me shiver,
thinking about the orphaned little mole.
I say, never in an eternity wilt fade thy grace,
Once again will return your panache;
And until it you replace, will sport my face
Freddie’s epic black moustache.

The Explorers


Sit down she said, you’re gonna love this ride
Listen to the rules, carefully abide
This is no ordinary journey
We’re aiming for stars, reaching for the moon
So be prepared now, if all goes according to plan, we won’t be back any soon.
I told her I want to pilot this ship
Take charge of the entire trip
She said oh no you must focus on the view outside
Take things slowly in your stride.
In you though I must confide,
This is one thing I’ve never tried.
Still trusting her, mostly my instincts though,
We blasted off at the speed of light
Propelling against nature’s thrust
Seeing layer after layer of depleted air
Leaving the blue behind for a jet black lair.
Thousands of miles away now, we had each other to trust
So off came the seat belts, gravity’s bubble did burst.
No time for pleasantries then, she still focused on commanding the ship
Do as you’re told, don’t lose your mind.
But, alas! We weren’t on earth confined
Mesmerized by the beauty here,
Or perhaps the colourful spheres;
I temporarily turned blind.
And mute.
And deaf.
I knew not what was coming my way
Were we on the right path?
Or was I being led astray?
I wasn’t thinking right,
Maybe I wasn’t thinking at all
It probably was too late now
To take any decisive call.
Satellites, meteors, asteroids fell
Was it even real now, I hardly could tell
Entrapped by the sights
I never noticed, my captain had fled
The ship infinitely sailed in the sea of doom
While I tried to aesthetically nurture
My senses in a universal cocoon
Strangely though,
The only thing,
My mind echoed,
Are those words I last heard back on Earth.
Be prepared now, if all goes according to plan, we won’t be back any soon.
We won’t be back any soon.