I’m thinking of ending things

I’ve been staring outside my window
For how long I do not know,
But all I manage to do,
Is think about you.
When at work or at rest,
With an empty head and a heavy chest,
I feel a void, a state of emptiness,
Which I can neither avoid nor redress
Unless I let you have your way,
So come for me now and take me away.

No word, No letter,
No arrival date,
you could just crash in
Through a door or a gate,
Nor delayed by ill fate,
never too late, by design,
You’d be here, unexpectedly on time.
Luring me away from this hell,
As you fill the air with your smell
And greet me with a smile,
Hug and tug me close to you
Before I’m gone away for a while.

Remember that day?
When I had wandered away,
In search of your embrace
Riding to a strange lonely place,
Blindfolded and lost,
I had just listened to Frost
And taken the road not taken,
To end this nightmare and just awaken,
Maybe in your arms,
Cold and tired, of all my desires
I’ll finally find warmth.

Though, I dont know if it’s true,
If this misery will just end,
When I meet you.
I’m so out of tune of any know-how
I don’t even know what time is it right now,
No sense, no smell, no sight,
Is it day or is it night?

All my suffering,
All my plight,
All my sorrows
Just would vanish outright,
But that’s all that goes away
with me but here they stay
My friends, my family,
My kith and kin,
Suffering along, all for my sin;
My grief might perish
But theirs would just live
They got a raw deal
In this bargain,
I’d have taken far too much
With nothing to give,
Except the thank you note I wrote
Stuck it on the door of the fridge
Maybe they said something about love
Before I burnt the bridge,
But I was too far to hear let alone see it
I long for a day when I’m at ease
Call it a night when I can rest in peace
Now I can just think about what I could,
Have I done enough?
Have I been good?

But I don’t have enough time
Not enough to regret,
My troubles will follow me,
Even you won’t make me forget.
Just when I seem to get a grip
The wheels lose control and let slip
Before I can think more, I’m already flying
My heart races so fast, I could swear I’m dying…
Instead, I crash land in the dirt,
Tumbling and crumbling into the rubble
Though I’m not hurt,
It has burst my bubble.
My eyes are wide open, and my ears do ring
My skin is all flesh and the pain,
It stings, but all that I muster,
Is wild joyous laughter,
And answer while I may,
my own doubt,
Is that the sun is out,
It is still day.

My ride is totalled roadside,
I’m lucky I survived, even though I tried
But I think I’ve relied
On being with you, than being me.
Even an empty me, when fully alive,
Is free to die, when you arrive.
I know you’ll be around,
And some day my heart will allow,
I know I will see you, death,
But it won’t be right now.